brief Onderdeel kamerstuk 22112, BH Ministerie van Economische Zaken - 22.112, EP/EIS / 8034661
7 april 2008 -
The Single Market: Wallflower or Dancing Partner? [en] House of Lords (Select committee on the European Union) - HL Paper 36-I
8 februari 2008 -
The Single Market: Wallflower or Dancing Partner? [en] House of Lords (Select committee on the European Union) - HL Paper 36-II
8 februari 2008 -
doorverwijzing m.b.t. COM(2007)724 Tijdelijke Gemengde Commissie Subsidiariteitstoets - TGCS 5
17 januari 2008 -
Implementing the new methodology for product market and sector monitoring: Results of a first sector screening [en] werkdocument Europese Commissie - SEC(2007)1517
20 november 2007 -
Instruments for a modernised single market policy [en] werkdocument Europese Commissie - SEC(2007)1518
20 november 2007 -
The external dimension of the single market review [en] werkdocument Europese Commissie - SEC(2007)1519
20 november 2007 -
Initiatives in the area of retail financial services [en] werkdocument Europese Commissie - SEC(2007)1520
20 november 2007 -
The single market: review of achievements [en] werkdocument Europese Commissie - SEC(2007)1521
20 november 2007